OCEG’s Human Resource and Learning &D evelopment Series
1. Stress Management
Positive and negative stress is a constant influence on all of our lives. The trick is to maximize the positive stress and to minimize the negative stress. This workshop will give participants a three-option method for addressing any stressful situation, as well as a toolbox of personal skills, including using routines, relaxation techniques, and a stress log system. They will also understand what lifestyle elements they can change to reduce stress.
2. Performance Management
Performance Management is making sure the employee and the organization are focused on the same priorities. It touches on the organization itself by improving production and reducing waste. It helps the employee or individual set and meet their goals and improves the employee manager relationship. It will help close any gaps that exist in an employee’s skill-set and make them a more valuable employee through feedback and coaching.
3. Workplace Diversity
Our societies have become vastly more diverse as a result of increased international travelling, real-time communication and improved awareness of people’s strength and weakness. Understanding diversity will allow us to enjoy its benefits and learn how to communicate better with those with different cultural, educational and social backgrounds.
4. Sexual and Workplace Harassment
Harassment can be based on a variety of factors that differ from the one doing the harassment, such as race, sex, and disability. Experiencing uncomfortable situations in the workplace may be more than an offense against an individual. This workshop will help give delegates the tools necessary to recognize harassment in the workplace as well understand your rights and responsibilities under the law, with regard to safety in the workplace.
5. Managing Workplace Anxiety
The workplace is one of the leading locations where people experience stress and anxiety. Every employee will encounter it sometime during their career. Everyone should be aware of the signs of anxiety and the tools needed to cope and deal with it. This workshop will provide the important skills and resources to recognize and manage workplace anxiety. By identifying these symptoms and coping skills, employees and managers will be better suited in dealing with these common situations.
6. Writing Effective Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
In today’s business environment, SOPs must make bottom-line economic sense, especially if you invest the time and energy to develop and implement effective SOPs. TQM (Total Quality Management), HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points), ISO9000 (International Standards Organization), and Six Sigma are management programs designed to help companies maintain process and quality control, and remain competitive in a global business environment. At the heart of each of these programs, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) drive the results.
7. Developing The Art of KPIs With Your Team
The mantra behind key performance indicators (KPIs) is imprinted on the brain of every executive in the world: “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”. The trouble is many companies do not know what to measure. The result: bad management, mixed messages, confusion and employees focusing on the wrong thing.
Key performance indicators should reflect and support your company’s strategic objectives and the factors that drive success. In other words, they’re larger than the employee and the employee’s job description. This workshop guides you to work with your employees on developing KPIs, KRAs and JDs.
8. Coaching & Mentoring
The days of direct commands from managers to their employees are long gone. The importance of inspiring and guiding employees to realise their abilities and discover their power and responsibilities can no longer be ignored. This is why any successful company is now deeply interested in formal and informal coaching carried out continuously in the workplace. This course focuses on the proven methods of coaching and covers important topics such as structuring effective communications, successful questioning methods and active listening techniques, human behaviour, motivational conversations and many other relevant topics.
9. Training Content Development Skills
Training materials are a necessary part of any program or activity that involves knowledge acquisition and retention. The best approach to developing instructional materials is to start by examining the training plan and available resources. Depending on the learning objectives and length of the training program, training materials may include workbooks, training manuals, computer-based lessons and audio-visual aids. This course guides delegates on a few strategies for developing training materials.
10. Creating Effective Facilitator’s Guide, Audit & Assessment
The purpose of the facilitator’s or Instructor’s Guide is to assist you in teaching a course based on the book. You will find in it a discussion about organising the lectures, advice about practical problems that arise in presenting the material, activities outlined in detail, and a large collection of problems with solutions, organised as a set of tutorials. This workshop will guide the Trainers to prepare the Guide, how to Audit and Assess the Guide.
11. Measuring Results From Training
Although we all know that training can have many amazing benefits, sometimes it can be hard to prove those benefits and attach a ringgit value to training. Delegates will learn about the different ways to evaluate training progress, and how to use those results to demonstrate the results that training brings. Once the training has been evaluated the next step is to modify and updated the curriculum to create a content that is better suited for the participants.
12. Presentation Basics
Would you like to understand the psychology of your audience? Would you like to create a ‘wow’ factor during presentation? Do you deliver with confidence? Does your presentation appeal to your audience? Your presentation is your pitch. This course covers all of the above areas by using a variety of interactive and practical exercises which prepare the delegates for their ultimate presentation.
13. Train-The-Trainer Programme
Whether you are preparing to be a professional trainer, or you are someone who does a bit of training as a part of their job, you will want to be preparing for the training that you do. The workshop will give all types of trainer’s tools to help them create and deliver engaging, compelling workshops that will encourage trainees to come back for more. Skills such as facilitating, needs analyses, understanding participant’s needs, and managing tough topics will give your trainees what the need to become a trainer themselves.