OCEG’s Interpersonal Development Series


1. Personal Financial Management

“Money is not everything but everything needs money.” Financial matters impact us from even before cradle to after grave. A proper personal financial management implementation could have eliminated uncertainties and even prevented many tragedies from happening in life. Having a financial plan ultimately leads to a happier personal and work life. This is a practical course and is strongly recommended to anybody who wishes to understand how their personal financial management can be planned and managed.


2. Retirement Planning

This course is divided into two series: Each part is designed to build upon the ground work established by the other while not duplicating content or presupposing knowledge or experience level. The first part of the course is designed to introduce the underlying principles of retirement planning. In the second part, participants will be taught the rudiments of time value of money, the basis of distinguishing goals from objectives, approaches to determining retirement needs and funds, pre-retirement savings incorporating adjusted growth rates and ascertaining the retirement shortfall.


3. Understanding Malaysia Corporate Taxation Principles & Tax Planning

This is a step-by-step guide workshop to guide in the understanding of various tax issues related to deductible and non-deductible expenses, claim of capital allowances on capital expenditures and corporate tax planning. These techniques can also be applied to selling just about anything you want to sell.